Setting Off – A personal account of the Hungarian Romani Civil Rights Movement 1.

Original price was: 7.800 Ft.Current price is: 5.500 Ft.


Cikkszám: ISBN 978-615-5981-54-8 Kategóriák: ,

Aladár Horváth

I Personàlo Història e Rromàne Civilo Ćaćimatange Miśkimaski 1to kotor
O drom murro

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Respected European History and History Makers!
We have no need of political, national redemption.
We are capable of living it ourselves and even writing our own history. Along with our maternal-paternal nations we can enter the XXI century untouched, and don’t want them to export, via us, XIX century romantic notions of a national split. We have nothing to replace history’s storms and battles; we were in them all from the start. It is enough to say that we should have a right to a multiplicitous Roma inner-community identity. And also a right to experiencing another outer-community, mother nation identity too: as citizens of the republic with equal rights As Hungarian Gypsies, Gypsy Hungarians and Europeans: I would like to write this history down.

Paćivàle Ranyale aj Rajale! Patyivàli Evròpaki Història aj ko ker’na i Història!
Nàj musaj te vazden àvri amàre narodos politikasa. Vi ame’ śaj traisàras kodo, aj vi śaj śuvas le’ ande lila, kadya śaj keras amàri ćaćikàni història. Amàre dejange aj dadenge narodonca khetàne reslam bibidako ‘źi ande XXIto śelberś, aj ći kamas kodo, ke kàver ‘źène te phiraven pe amende pengo XIXto śelberśesko romantiko proceso, te kerel pe nàcia vi amendar. Nàj dukh so ame’ ći xàlam anda’ històriake balvala aj anda’ màrimàta; de anglal xàlam. Kaj te vazdyuvas àvri, dosta si te avela ame’ ćaćipe paśa amàri kàveràni andraluni-rromàni identitèta maśkar amende. Aj vi paśa e avraluni, e themengi identitèta: te avas jekhune themutne ande republika.
Sar ungriko rrom, sar rromàno ungro taj sar evròpakiro kadi història kamav te phenav ando lil.


Puhatáblás, ragasztott

Kiadás éve

2022 (szeptember)



